28+ Best Custom Nightbot Commands For Twitch Streamers (2022)

Last Updated on March 5, 2022

Twitch is a famous streaming platform for gamers across the world. As a channel owner on this app, you may want to build a supportive community. The top thing that can help you with this is Nightbot custom commands.

The Nightbot custom commands will help improve the user experience of your followers. Besides that, it will also allow people to enjoy a more interactive experience.

If you are looking for more information on Nightbot custom commands, your search ends now. Here is everything you need to know.

What Are The Best Nightbot Commands?

Here are the top Nightbot custom commands that will help you build a community on Twitch:


This command will allow you to post a stream within your community.

!new title

This will help you change the title of your stream.


Markers are one of the top things that allow users to view your stream again easily. It enables followers to reach a key point in the clip without looking for it by watching the entire stream.


This is one of the most useful Nightbot custom commands to help you get rid of threats affecting your stream. The option allows you to access different spam filters. It also enables you to remove anyone whose view may be harming your stream.


Adding songs to your video can enable the users to have a more fun experience while watching the stream. This Nightbot command will offer you access to various songs features.

!songs Current

This command will help you see the current song playing in your streaming chat.

!songs Request

You can choose a song for the viewers, but sometimes they may want different music. That is where this command will help you. It allows all online users in the stream to ask for a song quickly.

!songs Skip

Sometimes you may find the playing song distracting or have added it mistakenly. In such a case, this command will come handy. It enables you to skip the current song on the list.


Twitch users love to participate in polls and share their opinions. This is why you must make proper use of this command. It allows you to start a poll for everyone watching your stream.


This Nightbot custom command will show your channel link to the viewers so that you can gain more followers.


If you want to count the number of times your character has died in a game, be sure to use this command. It will also help your followers to have an idea of how well you play.


This feature will enable you to see how many Nightbot custom commands are currently active in your stream. It is mainly helpful for those who use Nightbot custom commands excessively.


Do you want to give your streamers to engage more actively? If so, this command can help you. It allows the viewers to change and put new tags to the stream.


It is no secret that every channel has one devoted follower who never misses a stream. You can reward them with this command if you have such a person. It will give them a regular role on your channel.


Do you also have a channel on Discord but do not have many followers? If so, you can use the command to promote your profile. The action will help you provide your Discord server’s link to your Twitch viewers.


This is another custom command that will help you share your YouTube channel’s link. The feature is designed to increase your followers on other platforms.


Do you love to host gaming tournaments frequently? If so, you can allow your followers to join the competition with this command. It will provide users with a link to the tournament server.


This is a handy feature if you want to announce a winner to a tournament or other gaming contest.


If you would like to earn some money, this command will help you. It allows the users to donate a sum to your Venmo or PayPal account.


Do you want your followers to join your other social media networks? If so, this is the command you should be using.


This option will allow you to share links to all your other platforms at once through the chat. The command is helpful if you use many networks.


The command will help you load your Instagram profile on the chat. It is designed to direct users to your social account.


This option will help viewers join your Twitter account by sharing its link.


Using this command can help you improve your TikTok follower count.


This action will enable you to automatically welcome users who enter your Twitch chat.


If you are a customer support team for your viewers, you can use this command to share the relevant details. It will help the users when they face technical issues.


This command will prompt users to subscribe to your channel by filtering them out.


The action allows you to share random quotations.